Below is an example of tracking a product page:
This code is placed on the product page that you plan to track.
Below is an example of tracking a prouct category page:
This completes the work with setting up e-commerce in Piwik web analytics. As you can see, it does not take much time, but it opens up a unique crawler data opportunity for You to track the number of .orders placed, the amount of income from. Product sales, the products that are most. Often purchased or removed from the. Cart, as well as the product and category. Pages that bring the most conversions.
This code is added to the product category page you plan to track
Read more about what a website order form should be like in the article”7 Golden Rules of a Conversion Lead Form”.
2. trackEcommerceOrder (orderId, grandTotal, subTotal, tax, shipping, discount)
This method accepts data about completed orders and sends it to the Piwik server. The orderId and grandTotal parameters are mandatory. All other parameters can be omitted.
Below is a code snippet for tracking an order that contains two products
This code must be placed on the “Order 4 indispensable criteria of an e-commerce website in 2021 Confirmation” page after the user has paid find good sources of goods at reasonable prices for the order. If you have installed Piwik correctly. Then the tracking code should already be on. The pages of your site, to which. You should add the following code fragment
As you can see, social media. Marketing can be quite dangerous. If used incorrectly. If you want to see. The text material of all four videos, including. Information about social media promotion tools, you will find all this in the article. “how to get the maximum effect from smm. Guide to action”.