Working together for and with early-career researchers

When I talk about an online project, many people immediately think of start-ups or e-commerce. It should be noted that a blog also falls into this group. Any online project deserves its launch phase because it makes the difference between starting from scratch or already having a base of readers and/or clients . It is not the first time I have said this and it will not be the last because it is a topic that deserves your attention.

Launch Blog Photo rights by Fotolia

The launch phase starts from moment zeroIf you are like Pedro, this initial task may be more difficult for you. You must be clear that the launch phase begins from the moment zero of a project. How do you know that you have reached that point? Very simple. It is that moment in which you go from idea to action and you get down to work. Some small examples to give you an idea:

 When we launched

Coguan and started developing the platform, we put up a landing page so that interested people could register. To be honest, it was more of a form. When we had the platform in beta version ready, we were able to notify more than 200 people. Later, we added a blog. This meant that we started with clients from minute 1. With the knowledge I have today, maybe whatsapp data instead of 200, there would have been 2 or 3 more

whatsapp data

So what does that mean exactly?

Look, luckily this isn’t what does he do? specialist and effective very complicated. It means that every day that passes is worth gold and therefore you have to make the most of it. You shouldn’t wait until everything is ready and nice to start marketing. In fact, I don’t remember who said it, but if you launch and you’re not at least a little bit consumer data ashamed of what you’re presenting to the world, then you’ve taken too long to launch it

How long does the “hot” phase of a launch take

The launch issue is nuanced. In the case of a start-up, you may spend months developing your product before it sees the light of day. This doesn’t mean you have to be nagging all day announcing that you’re going to launch in 114 days, then 113, 112, 111, etc. You have to divide a launch into 2 vital parts.

  1. Pre-launch phase : It is key to create social media profiles and a blog before having a product . The idea is to make noise but without turning up the volume too much. You give signs of life to the outside world so that they are prepared for something big that is about to come.
  2. “Warm” launch phase : When the last 2-3 weeks before the official launch arrive, you can already hit the gas. You can turn up the pace and the volume of the speakers. It’s not about always telling the same thing, but about finding new excuses to send a little launch reminder.

It is not advisable to extend the launch phase for much longer than 3 weeks. You always run the risk of starting to repeat yourself and expectations becoming tired. The art is to find a perfect balance. It is a matter of trying many times. Here I will share in detail my experience on what I have learned in recent years to save you some frustration.

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