Tracking category and product pages

If you do great things, people will start writing for you. You create a cool product, or you have great working conditions, a cool office, a corporate culture – all this will not go unnoticed if you are truly a “corporation of good”.

Do something cool!

For example, we launched an in-house activation for managers called “Bookworm Relay”. The idea was this: you had to read 12 specialized china phone number data books in 6 months, and to make it more interesting, we added a game element (3 prize places, a rating table, regular meetings to discuss books). We didn’t write about it in the blog, since the activation hadn’t come to an end yet. We didn’t even publish anything about it on social media. But one day Tanya Ryabchenko (a friendly blogger) came to visit us, saw the rating table, took a photo and posted it on her Instagram. This photo caught the eye of one of the employees of the Mann, Ivanov, Ferber publishing house, and they decided to post it on their social media. As a result, thousands of people learned about how we motivate employees to read.


And instead of a conclusion:

Tony Hsieh once wrote a book about how he created Zappos and how they built their corporate culture – now millions of people know how 7 best online video calling apps of 2020 great it is to work at Zappos. Google went further and made a feature film about itself called “Human Resources” – although, let’s face it, we knew how wonderful the corporation of good is before that.

What am I getting at? Experiment with methods of telling about your company. The main thing is that you are really great, and then it’s a matter of karma

Lectures and master classes

Yes, this is also a form of content marketing. And it also allows you to attract new employees.

For example, you are holding a master class, and among the listeners there are those who really want to work in your field, that is why they attend all the events related to it. In order to independently retrain from one profession to another. And such people are needed – who do not sit and wait for a miracle, but develop, learn, understanding crawler data that their knowledge needs to be replenished every day.

For example, when we were conductingBig Brain Day, we had a lot of guests, among whom were talented people who wanted to work for us, and some were accepted into our team after a series of interviews.


For the End of the World, which was on December 21, 2012, we sent the following gifts to our partners.


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