The International Science Council appoints 100 new Fellows to help advance its vision of science as a global public good

It’s very easy to waste time. Especially when you do things that don’t bring you anything. Things that don’t make you happy, don’t make you money or don’t add any kind of value that would improve your own situation (or even that of others) even if it’s in the not-too-distant future.

Lose time Photo rights by Fotolia

I’m currently on the train heading to Barcelona to teach my new course in the afternoon . I got up at 5 in the morning and since 6:40 I’ve been sitting in my seat facing a 5-hour journey. What I was most worried about before getting on the train was whether or not there would be an outlet.

 Luckily there

Was and I had already made up my mind about all the progress I was going to make at the work level. The truth is that I haven’t done absolutely anything . More than 2 hours have passed and I haven’t even put out a single damn post to keep me calm over the weekend.Wasting time is incredibly frustrating (as you may have noticed).Maybe that’s why I tend to function better under stress (me and most people). The worst part is that it’s solvable if you’re disciplined:

Jumping from a difficult task to a distraction isn’t a problem if you treat it as a reward. Avoid the temptation to check your email before you actually start working. Having achieved a first accurate mobile phone number list result right from the start is incredibly motivating and increases the likelihood that the day will end productively.

_accurate mobile phone number list (1)

You have to be realistic in your forecasts so as not to get frustrated

For the 5 hours I had here are some examples of tasks an planned 3 blog posts, a 1,000-word Quondos content and the translation of a 630-line Excel file. It is clear that I am not going to achieve it, but from the beginning it would have been more reasonable to be less optimistic. Changing the concept of “wasting time” . It is an consumer data art to know how to deceive yourself from time to time.

Losing time does not always

have to be perceived as something negative. Distractions arise because we do things we want to do. Maybe we even unconsciously need them. Burnout is a real risk that every passionate person who wants to conquer the world faces. If that disconnection with low productivity temporarily helps you feel better, it is time well spent .Instead of wasting time we should talk about spending time as we would say “passing a while”.Our way of talking implies that we are doing something negative and it makes us feel bad. In reality I have not spent 2 hours doing anything. They only partially contributed to finishing the work tasks.

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