Application lacks hardware and software compatibility

Apple’s guidelines state that an app must work on all systems – the latest hardware and software. They place particular importance on apps being able to run on the iPad, so keep that in mind with your app.

Apple also emphasizes the hardware and software importance of designing an iOS app that doesn’t use too many resources or cause harm to the device (e.g. overheating, battery drain, etc.). They also discourage apps that require users to disable core iOS features. In other words, if your app can’t work everywhere and on every Apple mobile device, the chances of it being rejected are very high.

The application’s payment system is invalid

If your app accepts payments indonesia whatsapp number data to unlock features or allow users to download digital content, the transactions must go through Apple’s official in-app purchase system. This ensures the safety and convenience of customers making payment transactions.

7. The app lacks standard functions

Experimental or trial apps with a limited feature set will not be allowed on the App Store.

Creating a mobile app for the purpose of providing customers with another contact channel can also result in rejection.

These are seven technical reasons why Apple might reject an app. The second type of reason is about the content of the app.

The key to approving a mobile app to the App Store

is that it must be genuinely useful. If all your app does for users is share a contact form and there is no other functionality or features to the app, there is no reason for Apple to approve it.

Demo or trial content should also be avoided. All functionality in your app should be final.

In the previous article, we learned about 7 effective hyperlocal marketing strategies the technical reasons why Apple rejects IOS applications when submitting them to the App Store for approval.

This article will introduce the second type of reason, which is content reason. It includes the following common reasons:

Copy other apps

Copying or imitating another app that is already on the App Store will result in an immediate rejection by Apple. Apple doesn’t want to waste the time of its review team and users with a copycat app. So creating your own app with unique and original content is a good way to avoid rejection by Apple.

 Application like a website

Your app offers a user experience gambler data that is not much different from the experience of using Safari, and Apple will likely reject it, because it does not provide a robust enough experience as a mobile app. To avoid being rejected by Apple, you should design an application that is different from a .



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