Online Store in 59 Minutes. Principles of Optimizing the Online Shopping Process

We present you the 11th edition of the column “Online store in 59 minutes”, which is dedicated to the issues of the process of optimizing online purchases. How to make sure that every potential client gets to the last step when placing an order, and reduce the rate of abandoned carts? The column’s host, Natalia, will tell you in detail about the principles that allow you to solve this problem.


Incompetent call center managers

Another non-obvious reason why your sales are not growing, or even non-existent, is rude managers who take orders over the phone. Even if a denmark phone number data person has completed an online purchase, but a manager who was rude contacts him, the client is highly likely to refuse the deal.

In addition, clients may be put off by a manager who does not know the product. Often, a person may need advice on the product they have chosen, or they may want to take something in addition. If the manager does not show off his knowledge, the client may go to more competent competitors.

In today’s issue we will talk about the principles of design for an online store. After all, the development of website design is a very important process! It is not enough to just draw a beautiful site, it is more important to ensure its ease of use. To achieve harmony of design andusability, it is necessary to have a deep crawler data understanding of the psychology of the buyer, his expectations and behavior options on the site, as well as knowledge of modern web design requirements and the ability to use them for the benefit of the future online store.

Principle 1: Simplify

The designer’s task is to ensure maximum ease of perception of information on the site. To do this, it is necessary to simplify the user’s path through the online store as much as possible, placing hints and baits, and to present the entire volume of information about the products of the online store as simply as possible. Choose the most important, remove what is not needed. The designer must mercilessly cut off what will be simply visual noise for the user, and leave on the pages only what is really important.

Principle 2. Make the right accents

Continuing with the first principle, simplifying, you need to be able to place the right accents. This does not mean that designers will place beautiful little boxes everywhere – what are you saying, this is the same visual noise that we talked 16 reasons your ios app was rejected by apple about above. At the same time, with the help of one box placed in the right place, you can make a.

Principle 3: Don’t overplay trends

Every year new trends appear in web design, which designers immediately begin to actively use in their practice at any convenient opportunity. As a rule, modern web design trends that have demonstrated their effectiveness live long enough. For example, such a trend as minimalism has long become not just a tribute to fashion, but a working tool for creating a simple, catchy and stylish design. But web design trends 2014 should be used carefully.

Principle 4. Observe the rules of composition

The principle of the golden section was invented by the ancient Greeks. And since then, absolutely nothing has changed. Only the carriers change – sculptures, buildings, websites – it doesn’t matter.

Principle 5. Don’t create a dream website

The most common and at the same time dangerous mistake whendevelopment of online store design—design creationdreams.

For more information on the principles, including color in web design, watch the video:

Read more principles in the article”7 Principles of a Successful Online Shopping Process”.

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