A website with a lot of images and multimedia can attract users. However, large images and multimedia files can slow down your website loading speed.
To make sure this doesn’t happen, test your website’s loading speed with tools available to see if your images and media are optimally sized. If they’re too large, you can resize or compress them and re-upload them to your website.
Too many pop-ups
According to statistics when used properly pop-ups can increase conversion rates by up to 1.375% of email subscribers.
However, if there are too many pop-up windows, it will confuse users and may be rated low by Google.
So what is the solution?
Create your pop-ups wisely and make sure your visitors enjoy them.
- Pop-up should appear at least 30 seconds after a visitor enters the website or has scrolled halfway down the page.
- Pop-up content and design should be engaging and useful to users.
Missing ALT tag in image
Websites with beautiful japan whatsapp number data images will attract users, but if you want to attract Google, you must add Alt tags and description tags to the images. Because Google cannot understand the images by itself but must go through these tags.
There are many websites that do not really pay attention to adding these tags and accidentally lose points with search engines, leading to ineffective SEO.
Poor website content
Your website is your online storefront. This means you should design it to attract visitors and keep them on your site longer, increasing your conversion rate.
Poor, unattractive content will cause visitors to leave quickly because they don’t find what they need.
At the same time, lack of content will also be rated low by Google because it cannot collect the data and main content of the website.
No content on product pages
There are many how to build a social media crisis management strategy websites where when a user visits a specific product page, there is no content such as product description, specifications, user manual, etc.
So to make SEO more effective, add enough content on the product page, and make sure it is interesting .
Website design without 404 page
This is an important page that gambler data shows visitors that you care about their experience. Not finding the page they were looking for can be frustrating, so redirect them elsewhere on your site with a 404 page.
With a little creativity, you can use your 404 page to make visitors smile instead of feel annoyed with unique, interesting design images.