How is it done? Content Marketing for an Online Store

Recently i held a master class on content marketing. And was pleased to note that the overwhelming. Majority of the audience were representatives. Of online stores. As a rule, a different situation. Is observed – to listen about how to attract. Customers using this method, mainly representatives. Of the b2b sphere or content projects come. While e-commerce is focused on traditional. Internet marketing tools.

And since practice has shown that. Interest in content marketing is growing. Among representatives of online stores. It was decided to make today’s article narrowly. Focused, namely, to devote it to the topic of implementing. Content marketing in e-commerce activities. But what is content marketing?

First, let’s dot the i’s and cross the t’s, clearly stating what content marketing is not:

  • This is not a commercial text
  • This is not a news feed about promotions, new products and discounts
  • This is not a plan to update the content of your online store.
  • This is not a posting of cute or cyprus phone number data sexy pictures on social networks
  • it’s not “posting for the sake of posting”

Content marketing is a strategy for attracting customers without being too pushy, namely by providing content that is useful to the target audience but not overtly advertising.

The components of content marketing include:

  • corporate blog
  • You Tube channel (videos)
  • non-commercial email newsletters (80% useful, 20% sales)
  • social media posts
  • “white papers” (electronic PDF files)
  • webinars (online seminars)
  • special projects (game sites, applications, WOW content)
  • offline events (eg RED BULL jumping from the stratosphere)


Now that we have figured out what “content marketing” actually is, let’s look at a detailed algorithm for implementing it into your activities:

Step 1. Define “why”, “for whom” and “who”

Before you start writing articles. Running social media groups. Or creating a global event that needs. To be featured on all the news, take a deep breath. Stop, and think about these questions.

  • What are your goals for content marketing (why do you need all this?)
  • who will be the consumer of your content ( who is all this for)?
  • who will be involved in creating the content. I will tell you right away – not everyone is. Capable of creating quality content, and this. Requires both appropriate labor and financial costs)

Give detailed answers to each of these crawler data questions, because you. Need to do content marketing not because it is fashionable these days, but because it will give you specific business results: increased conversion, optimized lead generation, increased repeat sales, etc.

Step 2: Create a General Content Plan

As I wrote above, content marketing shouldn’t be limited to just social media posts or a corporate blog. There are a number of proven tools, and you should definitely create a content plan that includes the use of each of them (or at least half of them).

The “1/7/30/4/2/1” method helps create a content plan, allowing you to determine both daily and less frequent content:

  • 1 = simple content that can be generated daily . This could be: tips, quotes, facts, motivators, as well as posts indirectly related to your product.
  • 7 = more complex content that we publish throughout the week . Most often, these are useful articles or videos: reviews, reviews, interviews, lessons, tips, etc.
  • 30 = This includes content application information is not fully updated that we. Can release on a monthly basis , such as. White papers, webinars, useful newsletters.
  • 4 (quarterly), 2 (every six months) and 1 (once a year) = this includes content that requires significant effort to prepare: come up with a WOW project, prepare a master class, organize an event after which people will talk about you – write down in the content plan approximate ideas of what this could be in the context of your online store, taking into account the featurespositioning.


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