How to get subscribers for your YouTube channel in 5 steps

Javier Balcazar
Javier Balcazar
Community Manager and Web Designer with WordPress. He is passionate about the world of Digital Marketing, especially web design and SEO.

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How to add subscribers to your YouTube channel

Are you struggling to increase the number of followers on your YouTube channel? Are you thinking of creating one but are afraid of failing? Whatever the situation, here is the solution!

Today I want to show you 5 basic steps that you must follow to make your channel successful , if you put in a little work and effort on your part. Make the most of Video Marketing !

Create an optimized YouTube channel
If you haven’t created your channel yet, or you already have one but haven’t optimized it, it’s time to get started. A professional and personalized channel makes it easier to get subscribers on YouTube.

To create one, you need to have a Google account like Gmail or similar. If you already have one, just go to YouTube, log in with your account and start filling out the fields that are requested. In any case, if you need a step -by-step guide , here is a tutorial on how to create a successful YouTube channel with some tricks that few people know.

In any case, if you prefer it in video format, here it is directly:


Once you’ve done this, you need to upload a profile photo or logo for your channel, a header image, and a short description with keywords that briefly summarizes the theme of your channel.

Create a trailer showing a summary of your channel
When someone discovers your channel, they’ll want to get an idea of ​​the type of videos you upload, and a trailer is the best way to do that.

Keep in mind that it’s like a movie, that is, it should be a preview in which you show a little bit of your content to leave the user wanting more.

There are many ways to make a trailer but there are a series of guidelines that work quite well and that I advise you to follow:

Keep it short: Keep your video short, around 30 seconds. The viewer wants to get to know you a little bit and will only give you a few seconds to decide whether your material is what they are looking for or not.
The most important thing at the beginning: The trailer will be the gateway to your cha . A nnel an usa data d users do not usually watch the entire video. Therefore, you should focus your message and generate curiosity in the first few seconds.
Communicate clearly: Choose a familiar language . A  and be li the most important pages to include vely when speaking. Try to chang . A  your tone so that it is not boring. In short, put energy into your message.
Create video series
On YouTube, when a video reaches the end, there are two possibilities:

Have YouTube suggest or automatically play a related one from another channel .
Have another one from your own channel play automatically .
As you can guess, the optimal option is the second one. The advantages are mainly two.

On the one hand, you get more views on your videos and, on the other hand, you increase the number of subscribers. If users who are watching your videos see that there are a series of them and find the content useful and/or entertaining, it is normal for them to subscribe to stay tuned for the new episodes you upload.


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