Today we will talk about an important tool for online stores – e-commerce. Many of us have already come across this definition more than once, working with Google Analytics, but today we will consider how to set up e-commerce in the Piwik web analytics system.
For those who are hearing about this chile phone number data system for the first time, I Want to say that piwik is a. Multifunctional open source web. Analytics system that is installed. Directly on the web server, like a regular cms. This is perhaps. Its main advantage, because. All the data on your site will be available. Only to you, and no third parties (developer companies) will. Have access to your site statistics. Another feature is that the. Received statistics are updated every 10 seconds, and you can. Monitor the behavior of your visitors in real time. It is worth noting. That piwik web statistics are completely free, and you can start trying it. Out today, which is what i advise you to do.
View categories and product pages
But today we will not consider all the functionality of the Piwik system, but will talk about one of them – e-commerce, the setup of which will allow crawler data you to track completed orders and purchased purchases; products that were added to the cart; views of category pages and product pages themselves. With the help of configured e-commerce, you can easily understand what you need to improve so that the products in the store sell better.
It is worth noting that the “e-commerce” function is not available by default. In order to activate it, you need to make changes to the web analytics settings and change the source code of the site. Let’s start with this!
Activating the eCommerce tracking feature
As I said, Piwik has e-commerce tracking disabled by default. To enable it, go to Settings — Sites — Edit and select “Enable e-commerce” from the drop-down list.
Once you enable the eCommerce feature, the Goals menu will change to ECommerce & Goals.
If you don’t see the “Goals” menu item on your site, then you haven’t enabled the “Goals” plugin. First, install the goal tracking plugin, and then follow all the steps above.
Once e-commerce is enabled, you will need to implement code on your site that will track user interactions on the site.
E-commerce allows you to track the following interactions:
- Orders made.
- Adding products to the cart.
Next, let’s look at how you can use JavaScript Tracker to track visitor interactions.
Tracking completed orders in Piwik
There are two Javascript methods used to track e-commerce:
price, quantity)
This method allows you to add not optimizing images and multimedia on the website products to An order and is initialized for. Each product in the order separately. Productsku is a mandatory parameter. All other parameters are optional, but if they are. Found in your online store, it is worth using them.