Online Store in 59 Minutes Secrets of Conversion Order Forms

In the 12th issue of the “online store. In 59 minutes” column, natalia will talk about. What an order form for a. Website should be. If you want as many people as. Possible to make a purchase from you. Then give them all the opportunities. To do so, namely, a convenient lead form. With which they can easily place an order.

Important notes about function parameters:

price (parameter of the addEcommerceItem() function), grandTotal, subTotal, tax, shipping, discount (parameters of the trackEcommerceOrder() function) must be written separated by commas, but not by periods or contain any additional characters. Error: “14.4 $”, “EUR14.4”, “14,4”. If your software provides values ​​only as a string, then use the parseFloat() function in JavaScript.

orderId (order identifier) ​​is a unique cayman islands phone number data parameter of the string type. If the order confirmation page contains the trackEcommerceOrder() function, the update of which is called by the user several hours or days after the initial order has been completed, then Piwik will automatically delete data on orders that have already been recorded. The same order identifier can be used for different websites, but within one website the order identifier must be unique. Please note that the product ID, product name and product category parameters must be without quotes when added to the HTML code. Otherwise, an error may occur.

Tracking items added to cart

Every time a user adds, updates or removes items from the cart, you can use Piwik to track the final order value, as well as the items that were crawler data ultimately left in the cart. Tracking purchases will allow you to estimate how much revenue was from items left in the cart per day/month/year, view a report on the items that are most frequently purchased and those that are most often removed from the cart. You will also be able to track the contents of the carts of users who are not registered on the site.

It is worth noting that the main reasons for order cancellation are:

  1. High cost of goods.
  2. Complex order form.
  3. Lengthy process of checking the entered data.
  4. The site is slow.
  5. The user visited the site in order to compare prices of goods with those of competitors.

To track carts in Piwik, the trackEcommerceCartUpdate() function is used, which is called every time a user adds, updates, and removes items from the cart.

Below is an example of order tracking for two products:

The code is added each time the cart is 10 steps to successful online business for beginners loaded or the user clicks the “Add to Cart” button.

Tracking category and product pages

Tracking category and product pages allows Piwik to track conversions for each product and category. This way, you can identify pages or categories that convert visitors into customers and generate more revenue.


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