The Marketing Flywheel seems to have arrived in the world of Inbound Marketing to stay. In fact, many experts consider it the replacement of the famous sales funnel ; this is quite impressive information, isn’t it?
That is why we thought it would
be perfect for denmark phone number list you, who are always looking to increase your sales, to know the details of this technique.
We prepared this post so that you can learn everything about this new way of attracting clients and apply it to your business. Keep reading!
What is Marketing Flywheel?
This is a new concept that approaches marketing and sales from a different perspective than traditional ones, focusing much more on user loyalty .
That’s why, instead of being funnel-shaped, it is circular, this was done to reinforce the idea that it is an endless cycle.
That’s exactly what Flywheel means. It is the circular gear that gives power to a machine.
In this case, the flywheel is made up of attraction, engagement and user experience , with emphasis on the latter phase.
If you think about it, it’s great for attracting your application information is not fully updated customer, engaging with them, and providing them with a memorable experience, which in turn attracts new leads, and so the cycle repeats itself. By prioritizing the experience phase, you can attract and retain.
Why Flywheel Marketing was created?
Marketing Flywheel was born to go beyond the scope of the sales funnel, tracking and making visible the interaction between the user and brands from the beginning.
This makes the customer lifecycle continuous and sustainable, something that any company should be concerned about.
Flywheel is an ideal tool to accompany customers from the moment they discover a brand and, especially, after the purchase, to motivate them to acquire new products or services.
Furthermore, the fundamental principle of this trend is to use the information that arises from interaction processes to offer better experiences to consumers and, consequently, captivate them.
Now that you know what Marketing Flywheel is egypt data and why it emerged, it is vitally important that you understand how Inbound Marketing has changed.
What are the impacts of Flywheel on Inbound Marketing?
Due to its close relationship with user experience, Inbound Marketing is constantly evolving. In this context, the following changes have emerged:
1. There is no longer an end point
Without a doubt, this is the great change that the birth of Flywheel brought about in Inbound Marketing strategies.
Previously, the end point was considered to be when a user purchased a certain product or service, since the objective of this methodology was to lead them to that conversion.
Now, Inbound has become a continuous cycle that, in addition to attracting, tries to captivate existing customers by seeking to get them to repurchase with the brand.
2. Proactive and aggressive retention initiatives
As a continuous cycle never ends, Marketing Flywheel is especially concerned with the post-purchase stages.
Therefore, this strategy suggests that there is an uninterrupted and effective interaction with current customers to build loyalty and thus motivate them to buy again.
It can be said that, although the sales funnel principle also serves to build user loyalty, since it makes them approach brands organically, Flywheel Marketing is much more proactive and “aggressive” in consumer loyalty and delight initiatives.
3. Strength is the real opportunity
Previously, getting leads was considered the main driver of Inbound Marketing strategies.
When a user shares their contact information, it’s much easier to reach them and motivate them to make a purchase. That’s the traditional approach, isn’t it?
However, Marketing Flywheel goes much further. For this strategy, the real difference is generating enough force to turn the wheel that gives life to the business: The wheel of the interaction cycle between the consumer and the brand.
To achieve this, each step supports the other. We attract leads, generate interaction dynamics to engage them and provide them with a memorable experience.
This attracts old and new customers and so on – customers will constantly increase and purchase.
How is it possible to achieve this circular “force”? Precisely, by prioritizing the user experience, because the purchasing power lies with the customer.
Now let’s see some practices of this technique!
What actions does Marketing Flywheel promote?
One of the principles of this trend is that friction, a term that encompasses everything that causes customer dissatisfaction, causes power to be lost and, consequently, the wheel to stop turning, shortening the customer life cycle.
To avoid obtaining a friction-less process , Flywheel uses 3 practices that we will review in the following lines.
Automation of service processes
Automation is one of the greatest allies of the business world today, and Flywheel was born in the midst of this reality .
For this reason, this strategy seeks to implement customer service processes to make them more agile and precise, avoiding unnecessary friction and discomfort between users and employees.
Fortunately, there are many ways and mechanisms to provide automated customer service, such as chatbots , post-sales email, or satisfaction surveys.
And best of all, this type of technological tools ensures that there is service 24 hours a day.
Constant collection of information from interactive processes
What we also know as personalization. Standardization can impact customer experience. Flywheel collects accurate and real data from the current customer to improve the interaction and overall experience.
Therefore, it is a common practice to constantly collect information to personalize promotions, content and other forms of communication in Inbound Marketing strategies, influenced by Flywheel.
Provide self-service
In addition to trying to understand customers in order to optimize mechanisms and satisfy them, Marketing Flywheel is committed to promoting self-service.
When a user can define a product or service based on their needs, the chances of abandonment are much lower.
As you can see, thanks to this technique, it is much more feasible for customer life cycles to be longer and more sustainable.
It also helps you differentiate yourself from the competition, since, in the process of optimizing the customer experience, values are added that serve as a hallmark of your brand.
Were the tips helpful? We hope so! And that with them you will be able to make the wheels of your business turn more strongly. If you