It based on the data for example the catering industry has a time cycle there . Is a clear difference between weekday work meals and weekend gatherings in this case how . To combine the time dimension into the rfm model to maximize consumer consumption this topic . Is left for the students to think about it the economic theoretical basis of the . Rfm model threelevel price discrimination discrimination is a neutral word in economic principles without derogatory . Meaning first of all price discrimination refers to the producer selling the same product with .
The Same Production Cost to Different Buyers
The same production cost to different buyers at different prices and threelevel price discrimination is . That the company divides its customers oman email list into two or more categories and charges different prices . For each type of customer in the rfm model we provide different preferential means by . Stratifying different groups of people which means that the final consumption amount of different clusters . Of people is different consumer surplus the purpose of price discrimination is to obtain consumer . Surplus everyone is willing to pay for the product at different prices for the same .
Cup of Milk Tea a is Willing
Cup of milk tea a is willing to pay yuan b is willing to pay . Yuan and c is only willing to pay yuan so when pricing the product the . Brand can change team also provides customiz only set the price at yuan so a gets yuan of consumer surplus . B gets yuan of consumer surplus which the brand cannot get it is very difficult . To achieve complete price discrimination but in the case of information asymmetry users can be . Stratified by the rfm model and threelevel price discrimination can be achieved at this time .
The Highest Consumer Surplus of Each Cluster
The highest consumer surplus of each cluster population can be obtained in addition to the . Rfm model the underlying economic yeezy 350 boost v2s theoretical basis of many models of population classification is price . Discrimination and consumer surplus the goal is to obtain the maximum profit summary the core . Of the rfm model is user stratification and the core of user stratification is to . Obtain the maximum consumer surplus of different cluster populations to do a good rfm model . The underlying data of users needs to be standardized and have a complete member tag .