Development path of product managers professional line management line project line and selfemployment the professional . Line refers to constantly improving oneself along the skill line as a common model for . Product operation the rfm model is often used in the operation process if it is . Used in the traditional mode will it produce some more peculiar effects in this article . Lets take a look at the authors sharing in the process of using the operation . The important position of the rfm model is selfevident in theory we can achieve major .
Categories of Stratification of the Population According
Categories of stratification of the population according to rfm and formulate different operation strategies according . To different netherlands email list population stratifications in the stock era maximizing consumer surplus and improving roi through . Price discrimination price discrimination in economics is a neutral word not derogatory has become one . Of the core goals of operators definition of rfm model rfm is a commonly used . User stratification model in operation scenarios and an important tool for measuring customer value and . Customer ability to create benefits the value status of the target user is fully described .
Through the Customers Recent Purchase Behavior Purchase
Through the customers recent purchase behavior purchase frequency frequency and total purchase amount monetary within . A certain time recency at the same time r f and m correspond to user . Stickiness user loyalty and strong one of the most powerful features user purchasing power respectively the larger the values of the . Three the higher the users contribution in terms of stickiness loyalty and purchasing power commonly . Used rfm model statistical methods mean method interval method the above two methods can be . Used according to the attributes of the industry for example lowfrequency and highcustomerorder industries such .
As Gold and Jewelry Can Be Applied
As gold and jewelry can be applied to the mean method while highfrequency and lowcustomerorder . Industries such as catering and tea yeezy 350 boost v2s are more suitable for the interval method crowd stratification . Based on the rfm model in the process of crowd stratification attention should also be . Paid to the combination with member tags in practical cases it is inefficient or even . Ineffective to use rfm only for singlesoldier combat after all the user data portrayed is . Only superficial after completing the rfm circle if we want to provide customized services to .